12 Months of Kindness 2018

We are entering into our tenth year of attempting our 12 Months of Kindness project.
We hope within the deepest hope of us as parents, that these efforts towards kindness and a family who forgives and announces to try harder next time, and trying to be examples who go outside of our own comfort for the sake of lending a hand, and intentionally choosing patient thoughts that take in account the benefit-of-the-doubt and perspective...we hope that it will be enough to carve into each of our kids the memories and life experience that the world is good.
And it can always be good, even in the face of scary and sad and evil.
because we each have the ability and capacity to choose love and kindness.

my darlings,
we love you
we dream big for you
we believe in the good in you
and the good in this whole world
please believe too, babies.
mum and dad

12 Months of Kindness 2018
January: sign up to run Dad's team's concession stand
February: surprise snail mail for Valentine's Day to our cousins
March: volunteer at our church fish fry
April: Help at the Johnstown Backpack Project
May: Studer scholarship and give a special thank you to our teachers and bus driver
June: visit the humane society and give a donation
July: 10th (and last!) annual Studer's Invitational
August: surprise our local librarians with a tasty treat
September: Host a big grandparent dinner for Grandparent's day
October: throw an end-of-season football/cheerleading party at our house
November: surprise a family member with groceries
December: deliver cookies and notes to our neighbors

This year, we tried to shoot for more kid-centered monthly tasks now that we've done so many things as a family - we are starting to figure out what is feasible for us in time, finances, and abilities.  There are plenty of repeats on the list from previous years and the kids were all cheering and asking "when are we doing it?!" with joyful smiles.

What's on your list this year towards kindness? I'd love for you to share!


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