
Showing posts from January, 2018

Around Here Week 3: 01/14-01/20

A glimpse into what it is like to live in our home just this moment. Intentional Outdoor Hours : less than an hour (of 1000) I contemplated twice this week getting out and walking during lunch time, but when I looked at my weather app and saw that it was under 20degrees both times I just couldn't bring myself to do it. And then when the weather turned nicer this weekend I was in bed sick. So this week was another bust, but I'm dying to get outside asap. Reading A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles with my Books and Brews local book club. I cashed in my Barnes and Nobles gift card from Mimi for Christmas on two new books for future reads: The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin and Everyday by David Levithan because I saw the movie trailer and um, yes please. Loving our basketball family as we all pull together for a teammate who got some very scary news this week. In a matter a few days, the basketball moms and the student body pulled together to make our Thursday game so special...

12 Months of Kindness 2018

We are entering into our tenth year of attempting our 12 Months of Kindness project. We hope within the deepest hope of us as parents, that these efforts towards kindness and a family who forgives and announces to try harder next time, and trying to be examples who go outside of our own comfort for the sake of lending a hand, and intentionally choosing patient thoughts that take in account the benefit-of-the-doubt and perspective...we hope that it will be enough to carve into each of our kids the memories and life experience that the world is good. And it can always be good, even in the face of scary and sad and evil. because we each have the ability and capacity to choose  love and kindness. my darlings, we love you we dream big for you we believe in the good in you and the good in this whole world please believe too, babies. mum and dad 12 Months of Kindness 2018 January: sign up to run Dad's team's concession stand February: surprise snail mail for Valentine's Day to our...

Around Here 1 & 2: 12/31-01/13

A glimpse into what it is like to live in our home just this minute. Intentional Outdoor Hours : less than 1 hour! (of 1000) Oh man, it has been frigid over here in PA these past two weeks. It was so cold the first week that we had two 2-hour delays followed by a school cancellation due to wind chills in the -30 degrees! We had a tiny little 32 hr window of temps in the upper 50's (!) only to drop back down to freezing again. Reading Turtles All the Way Down by John Green and liking it a lot. Green is a solid story teller and I knew I would be captivated and motivated to finish it quickly. The story really has a more dark feel than his other stuff but was very intriguing, especially when it comes to battling and explaining anxiety. I did finish it in about two days because...John Green :) I also started A Gentleman in Moscow  by Amor Towles for my Books and Brews local book club and continue to crack up every time I open it because I accidentally ordered the Large Print version an...

Tanagra website statistics for 2017

The year 2017 ends, 2018 begins. I wish you all a very happy year 2018. A small statistical report on the website statistics for 2017 . All sites (Tanagra, course materials, e-books, tutorials) has been visited 222,293 times this year, 609 visits per day . Since February, the 1st, 2008, the date from which I installed the Google Analytics counter, there was 2,33,371 visits (644 daily visits). Who are you? The majority of visits come from France and Maghreb. Then there are a large part of French speaking countries, notably because some pages are exclusively in French. In terms of non-francophone countries, we observe mainly the United States, India, UK, Germany, ... 39 new course materials and tutorials were posted online this year: 18 in French language, 21 in English. The pages containing course materials about Data Science and Programming ( R and Python ) are the most popular ones. This is not really surprising. Happy New Year 2018 to all. Ricco. Slideshow : Website statistics for...

Sparse data file format

The data to be processed with machine learning algorithms are increasing in size. Especially when we need to process unstructured data. The data preparation (e. g. the use of a bag of words representation in text mining) leads to the creation of large data tables where, often, the number of columns (descriptors) is higher than the number of rows (observations). With the singularity that the table contains many zero values. In this context, storing all these zero values into the data file is not opportune. A data compression strategy without loss of information must be implemented, which must remain simple so that the file is readable with a text editor. In this tutorial, we describe the use of the sparse data file format handled by Tanagra ( from the version 1.4.4 ). It is based on the file format processed by famous libraries for machine learning (svmlight, libsvm, libcvm). We show its use in a text categorization process applied to the Reuters database, well known in data mining. We...

100 Small Things 2018

hi. don't mind me - just geeking out over the new year over here.  I just love it. I love a crisp, clean new planner. I love looking out across the expanse of the whole year's worth of months with binocular-eyes and marking down all the exciting things we have to look forward to (weddings! Final Beer Olympics! Our 10th wedding anniversary! sports seasons! summer break! Bermuda visit!). I love getting all reflective and nostalgic as I flip through last year's planner and see all the wins and losses we had through the months - all the to do list items checked off, the surprise plans (some happy, some terribly sad) that got scribbled in last minute.  How lucky I feel to be living this exact life in all of it's wild, overwhelming, funny, beautiful messiness and with these exact people who make everything better and also easier to bear.  And then new years comes and it's like - look, we get to do it all again together. A little different this time as we are all a little ...