Around Here Thirty-five 8/26-09/01

A glimpse into what it is like to live in our home just this minute.

Intentional Hours Outdoors: 441+hours (of 1000)
Up only 7 and some hours this week, bleh. I got in a really nice long, peaceful run on Saturday morning at the Quemahoming Dam and was reminded real quick that I need to get in a more regular running schedule before the end of the month and my 10k (hah). The whole fam headed out to Grey's football practice on Thursday where he is practicing again even with the long cast because what a difference a little physical activity for that child's attitude makes! We scored some more outdoor time at the Friday Night football game of the school district B and I work in and the school district that our kids attend (a family divided!) and it was fun to see all my students and introduce them to my kiddos.

Reading not too much, but a little bit of Emma by Jane Austen. I had so little social media contact this week which actually turned out to be pretty nice and refreshing (although I had to keep saying, 'wait, what happened?' in conversations because I was so clueless about current events)

'Celebrating' my birthday. I'm such a weirdo about my own birthday and I get all reflective and melancholy and then I have a big cry on my birthday every year because I want to be a better version of myself and life is so beautiful and moves so fast and my poor little heart is so melodramatic. B handles my 'birthday breakdown' like an old pro and has a mixed drink and salty&sweet snacks ready for me. I have a birthday reflection post coming (promising) if I can only get it together over here, hah.

Starting the school year with my new students.  The kids arrived for their first day on Tuesday and I teach seven sections of Spanish I-III. All of the students have been really sweet and engaged this week and I'm loving it.  I always tend to go pretty aggressive at squeezing every second out of the lesson plan and after period 1 on day 1 I was all like, "aw, crap. I'm exhausted." So I relaxed a little bit after day 1 but still being ambitious in my expectations for learning, but less intense and it's been so much better.  We had Baile Viernes yesterday (dancing Friday) and the kids had a great time. We're off to a great year!

Giving Gem some extra attention and love as she works through some 'missing us' emotions at school.  She's getting a little better each day and packing a lunch and having a little sharpie'd heart on her hand seem to help. She says "I'm not ready for school" as her code for needing some hugs and kisses.

Shaking my head about RustMan. His favorite activities are climbing on top of tables (still) and also pushing the bathroom stool over to the sink and climbing up and turning the water on while he drenches himself and the countertop with water.

Feeling grateful for family and friends that pull together to get us through the week - especially grandparents. We've been so lucky to have a solid week adjustment of each new person heading out to school this year.  Grey and Gem started and then a week later me, and then next week Violet and Rusty will start at their daycare/preschool. We had cousin Morgan come to the house and babysit all week (even taking Rusty to his well check for me!) and the kids absolutely loved spending time with Morgan (even if they missed Nick, her fiance, so much, hehhee).  Ms. Christy, our babysitter last fall during my long term sub, was able to come for Friday and bring her new puppy which the kids loved!  The big kids got to get off the bus at cousin Gracie's house on early dismissal day (thank you Taush for keeping them in the afternoon!), Gigi and Pappy took one or some of the kids two nights in a row this week for some special time, Abba and Chum had the kids on my birthday so B and I could have a date dinner, and then stopped to visit and play during the week so I could stay late at school and get some serious first week copying done!

Making Church picnic chicken on the grill, slow cooker cheesy chicken and rice, and chili over noodles. For after school snack we had chocolate croissants and popcorn. Gem took packed lunch twice this week and I pack lunch for me and Brandon every workday.  Next week, Violet and Rust will need lunches too - more adjustments on the way!


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