Around Here Thirty-Three: 08/12-08/18

A glimpse into what it is like to live in our home just this minute.

Intentional Hours Outside: 386 hours (of 1000)
Only up 17 hours from last week, yeesh.  Thank goodness for the outdoor reunion that got us a full eight hours outside!  I picked up a few more hours from walks with the dogs and our trip to the zoo, and lots of pacing on the patio while reading my books with Rusty in the carrier trying to get him to fall asleep.  It's just been so stinking hot and humid and overrun with sweat bees (!!) that being outside is kind of not our preference at the moment.  Worst excuse ever, but alas, the truth.

Reading Home Field by Hannah Gersen, just started it as I finished two books this week!  I finished When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi which was devastatingly beautiful and one that I'll keep on my bookshelf for always.  And I both started and finished What Was Mine by Helen Klein Ross this week and whew (!), that one.  I'm writing more of my thoughts in our Inspired Readers book club page (join us!) but it left me with a lot of mixed feelings and criss-crossed thoughts on how I felt about each of the characters.  Grey and I are still working through Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Illustrated edition by JK Rowling a little at bedtime.  I like that it's become our own little ritual just the two of us, especially as I've been feeling like I'm barely....

Enduring Greyson in these last few days before school starts!  Gosh, I remember last year so vividly of being such a worried, anxious mess about the start of kindergarten for him - and what a difference a year makes! HAH! It feels like Christmas time though, how everyone starts getting extra crazy and naughty right as the big day is nearly here.  He has been particularly whiny and teasing his sisters and trying to get in trouble on purpose these past few days it seems.  He says he's not ready to go back to school yet, but I think after he gets some big kid time on his own - with his own friends and school work, and on his own schedule - he's going to be feeling a lot more balanced.  #ohgoshihopeso

Finishing up vacation bible school and feeling proud of Gemmi Ro for being brave in her class (thanks in large part to Ms. Hannah!) and singing her heart out at the finale show!

Celebrating family at our annual Uzelac reunion last weekend.  My family stood as representatives of my grandmother Irene (my mum's mum) and as always, our reunions make me feel so grateful to be in such close contact with our extended family.  The kids had an absolute blast and every one of them cried - full on tears and wailing - at the end of the night when we were leaving because they didn't want to leave their cousins and end such a fun day!

Experiencing the weirdest two days ever this past Tuesday and Wednesday.  Between a last minute trip to the car shop for Sheila, a lost resume, cancelling zoo trips because of tiger shark relocating plans, rescheduling birthday celebrations, weird height restriction rules, rain downpours, and traffic....I literally asked Siri, "when is the next full moon?" It turned out all fine in the end - maybe it was just a lesson from the universe on being flexible and persistent (#storyofmylife)?  Despite the crazy moments, we still were able to...

...Fly solo at Living Treasures zoo with all four of our kids!  It is just about half way between us and Aunt Kitty, so I braved it on my own while on our way out to Pittsburgh and it turned out to be completely fine.  Not amazing and inspiring by any means, but also not catastrophic mayhem either.  Just good; just an afternoon with our circus on my own petting and feeding some loud donkeys and hilarious tortoises.   Then we got to sleep over Aunt Kitty and Uncle Ryan's house which was exactly what I needed after a full day of strange - just to be in the company of my sister who loves my babies with all her heart and doesn't care if I sit in a catatonic state on her couch for several minutes as I decompress from a full day (a full summer?!) of raising wild things.

...Play with cousins to celebrate their birthdays at Chuck E Cheese AND Flight Trampoline Park!  The kids went absolutely and blissfully berserk in both places and it was nice to see them all together and also hang out with Tete and our littlest babies while the big ones did their wild, crazy business.

Feeling very excited and a little nervous about a last minute opportunity that came up to long-term substitute Spanish I for two ninth grade classes for the first nine weeks while the regular maestra is out on maternity leave!  I found out about it within the weirdest two days ever and we've been taking the necessary steps to make it happen - and so next week I'm starting!  I really think I could use the time in the real live adult world with real live adults (LOL said every sahm ever) and I think it will be a much needed reminder that the job I have right now (sahm) is a really good one too.  It's only part time (AM classes) and only for nine weeks, so B and I are so excited about the chance to let my educator flag fly high again without completely disrupting our current family routines.  Here's to wearing NOT yoga pants every single day! #ineedtogoshopping

Making Asian pork chops on the grill with some thai noodles (from our Cooking with Poo cookbook, who led our cooking class while we were in Thailand!) And making some shredded deer roast sandwiches with one of our last deer roasts (thank goodness hunting season isn't too far away!)  I whipped up some chicken & gravy over mashed potatoes last night too because it's the kids' favorite ever and almost as easy as their other favorite ever (spaghetti).


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