A glimpse into what it is like to live in our home just this minute. Intentional Outdoor Hours : 392+ hours (of 1000) Up 44 hours in the last two weeks which is pretty good, but I still need to push myself to grab as many hours as possible in these last few weeks of summer vacation. I got in outdoor time with dog walks, eating dinner outside (my summer fav!), and fires on the patio. We got to have a long chat at our picnic table with cousin Heather while our kids went bonkers on the trampoline (which had been out of commission for the last month because I ordered the wrong size replacement mat!) Reading Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott and taking it so slow because every time I pick it up it is so thought provoking about the writing process that I need a few days to digest it and think about my own writing. So I also started Sisterland by Curtis Sittenfeld which I snagged off of my sweet friend Shelly and I'm enjoying it. I continually am shocked each time the wri...
One of my favorite quotes credited to Ayesha Siddiqi says, "Be the person you needed when you were young." When I was young, I needed someone who had a different perspective - a wider lens of life and humanity and culture and experiences than our small (albeit beloved to me) town. I wanted to see more and learn more and experience more. And I was lucky enough that my parents and teachers could see this in me that they pushed me towards those people. My parents (with reluctance but good faith) put me on an airplane headed to Honduras with a group of doctors and dentists when I was sixteen. They also became what I needed themselves, my Dad the curious researcher and questioner - my Mom the ever patient listening ear while I went on and on about some new thing I learned. As a teacher now, I see everyday that what so many of my students need is someone who simply has the time of day to notice them. I have students everyday starved for meaningful connection. The person our young p...
A glimpse into what it is like to live in our home just this moment. Intentional Outdoor Hours : less than an hour (of 1000) I contemplated twice this week getting out and walking during lunch time, but when I looked at my weather app and saw that it was under 20degrees both times I just couldn't bring myself to do it. And then when the weather turned nicer this weekend I was in bed sick. So this week was another bust, but I'm dying to get outside asap. Reading A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles with my Books and Brews local book club. I cashed in my Barnes and Nobles gift card from Mimi for Christmas on two new books for future reads: The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin and Everyday by David Levithan because I saw the movie trailer and um, yes please. Loving our basketball family as we all pull together for a teammate who got some very scary news this week. In a matter a few days, the basketball moms and the student body pulled together to make our Thursday game so special...
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