Tanagra add-on for OpenOffice Calc 3.3

Tanagra add-on for OpenOffice 3.3 and LibreOffice 3.4.

The connection with spreadsheet applications is certainly a factor of success for Tanagra. It is easy to manipulate a dataset into OpenOffice Calc (up to version 3.2) and send it to Tanagra using the TanagraLibrary.zip extension for further analysis .

Recently, users have reported to me that the mechanism did not work with recent versions of OpenOffice (version 3.3) and LibreOffice (version 3.4). I realized that, rather than a correction, it was more appropriate to elaborate a new module which meets the standard for managing extensions of these tools. The new library "TanagraModule.oxt" is now incorporated into the distribution.

This tutorial describes how to install and to use this add-on under OpenOffice Calc 3.0. The adaptation to LibreOffice 3.4 is very easy.

Keywords : data importation, spreadsheet application, openoffice, libreoffice, add-in, add-on, excel
Component : View Dataset
Tutorial : en_Tanagra_Addon_OpenOffice_LibreOffice.pdf
Dataset : breast.ods
Références :
Tutoriel Tanagra, "OOo Calc file handling using an add-in"
Tutoriel Tanagra, "Launching Tanagra from OOo Calc under Linux"


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