Screen Free Week 2017 Prep

It's Screen Free Week again! I have been so looking forward to this week this year, because I know I am in need of a week-long reboot of screens so badly and I just can't wait to be 'off the hook' of knowing and seeing all.the.things all.the.time. The kids, as every year so far, won't even really flinch because they are much less tuned into screens than Bud and I. It really boils down to the access to phones and since only the adults in our home have those currently, the main screen zombies are us! This year will be our fifth year participating in Screen Free Week and it's become another one of those mini-holidays we celebrate at our house. The kids know it's coming, they know the drill, and we act like it's just another special week during a year of little (and big) celebrations. In preparation, the kids and I sat down to draft up a list of the kinds of things we could do that didn't involve screens - just in case we needed a reminder during the w...