Around Here Thirteen - 3/24-3/30
A glimpse into what it is like to live in our home just this minute. Intentional Outdoor Hours : 32+ hours (of 1000) I'm up five hours this week as we got some beautiful weather days which allowed me to take the dogs for a walk and also get a run in (with the two big kids!) as the sun was setting around the neighborhood. Grey and Gem did great and jogged the whole 2.5 miles with me (Grey runs super fast then walks until me and Gem slowly catch up) and then they both fussed about their legs being sore the next day (hah). It is so nice to know that spring is really on her way and we are all itching for nicer weather!! Speaking of itching - I had a tick on me from the dogs' walk this week and then I started googling raising Guinea fowl for the sole purpose that they eat ticks. The last thing we need is more pets, but seriously. It was my third tick this year already! Reading The Gift of an Ordinary Day by Katrina Kenison I particularly liked this q...