Screen Free Week for first timers
National Screen Free Week is next week: Monday, May 2 - Sunday, May 8, 2016! If you've never participated, imagining an entire week without the tv, tablets, and handhelds can seem incredibly overwhelming. Believe me, I've been there when we participated for the first time in 2013. It's not like we didn't do things other than screens, but like most mums, screens were my go-to when I needed a few minutes of peace and quiet - when I needed to not be interrupted every thirty seconds. Three years ago, I was legitimately nervous about committing to screen free week. I've compiled a list of five tips for getting through your first screen free week based off our previous experiences. I hope you'll find it helpful and expand on the ideas (share them with me too!) to create a week long batch of fun, screen free memories! 1. Reflect on the fun things you did when you were a kid Pretty much guaranteed, the things you remember being the most fun when you were a k...