New features for PCA in Tanagra
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a very popular dimension reduction technique. The aim is to produce a few number of factors which summarizes as better as possible the amount of information in the data. The factors are linear combinations of the original variables. From a certain point a view, PCA can be seen as a compression technique. The determination of the appropriate number of factors is a difficult problem in PCA. Various approaches are possible, it does not really exist a state-of-art method. The only way to proceed is to try different approaches in order to obtain a clear indication about the good solution. We had shown how to program them under R in a recent paper . These techniques are now incorporated into Tanagra 1.4.45 . We have also added the KMO index (Measure of Sampling Adequacy – MSA) and the Bartlett's test of sphericity in the Principal Component Analysis tool. In this tutorial, we present these new features incorporated into Tanagra on a realistic ...