SAS Add-In 4.3 for Excel
The connection between a data mining tool and a spreadsheet application such as Excel is a really valuable feature. We benefit from the powerful of the first one, and the popularity and the easy to use of the second one. Many people use a spreadsheet in their data preparation phase. Recently, I have presented an add-in for the connection between R and Excel. In this document, I describe a similar tool for the SAS software. SAS is a popular tool, well-known of the statisticians. But the use of SAS is not really simple for the non-specialist people. We must know the syntax of the commands before to perform a statistical analysis. With the SAS add-in for Excel, some of the SAS drawbacks are alleviated: we do not need to load and organize the dataset into a bank; we do not need to know the command syntax to perform an analysis and set the associated parameters (we use a menu and dialog boxes instead); the results are automatically incorporated in a new sheet of an Excel workbook (the post ...