Tanagra add-in for Excel 2010 - 64-bit version
The current Tanagra.xla add-in is valid to the 32-bit version of Excel (up to Excel 2010), even if we are working under 64-bit version of Windows. It does not operate on the other hand if we want to connect the 64-bit version of Excel to Tanagra. We must modify the add-in source code. These modifications are needed up to 1.4.41 version of Tanagra. They will be automatically introduced for the upcoming versions . In this tutorial, we show the procedure to be followed for this upgrade. The screenshots have been achieved under a French version of Excel 2007 here, but I think (I hope) that the adaptation to other versions (Excel 2010 and/or other languages) is easy. Thank you very much to Mrs. Nathalie Jourdan-Salloum which has pointed out this problem and has suggested to me the right solution. Keywords : data importation, xls, xlsx, excel file format, macro-complémentaire, add-in, addin, add-on Tutorial : en_Tanagra_Addin_Excel_64_bit.pdf References : Tanagra, " Tanagra add-in for ...